Luke 24:5
years ago, when my oldest son was about three years old, he came to and said,
“Dad, is the Easter Bunny coming today?” Now, Easter was still a few weeks away,
so I said, "No, son, the Easter Bunny is not coming today. My son said, “Well,
Dad, when the Easter Bunny does come, will he bring candy?” I responded, “I
think so, that’s usually what the Easter Bunny does.” Still not completely satisfied,
my son asked, “Dad, will the Easter Bunny bring some toys?” Not wanting to over
commit the Easter Bunny, I said, “Well, we’ll just have to wait and see.”
at this point I'm feeling the need to shift the focus away from the Easter
Bunny and toward something more theological. So, I asked my son, “Do know why
we celebrate Easter?” I said, “Easter is
the day that Jesus rose from the … (I paused and waited for a profound
theological answer from my son). Then I repeated myself and said, “Easter is
the day that Jesus rose from … and before I could finish, my son smiled, and
with all the confidence in the world, he said “AN EGG!”
getting over my initial feelings of utter defeat, I reflected on my son’s
answer and I began to think that there was a nugget of theological truth in his
response. The egg has actually been a symbol of new life for thousands of
years. Early Christians adopted it as a symbol of the resurrection, a symbol of
Christ breaking forth from the tomb.
fact, in the Greek Orthodox church, there a traditional game that is played on
Easter, in which the players crack eggs against each other’s foreheads and proclaim “Christ is Risen.” Fortunately,
we’re not going to do that here this morning.
we are familiar with many other Easter traditions that are centered around the
image of the egg. Many of us grew up with the traditions of dying Easter eggs a
few days before Easters and then on Easter morning those colored eggs would
hidden all around the house and it was our job to find those hidden eggs.
over the past few years, I noticed a trend at least with my own children. What
I noticed is that the real egg is diminishing in popularity. No matter how
beautifully colored the real egg might be, no matter many stickers or glitter
or decorations there might be, what most kids really want is one of these (pull plastic egg from pocket).
plastic egg! Most kids want one of these, because they know that when they
crack this egg open, inside they will find candy inside, or a small toy, or
perhaps even money! They
know that when they open this plastic egg, there will be something enticing
isn’t it interesting that in a very subtle way, we have replaced the real thing
with a cheap plastic imitation. We have replaced that which is uniquely a
symbol of life with something that is manufactured by the millions in some
distant factory. We have replaced that which has the potential to bring forth
new life with a piece of plastic that is empty and void. In fact, the plastic
egg doesn’t produce anything. We only get something out of this plastic egg if
we first put something inside. It is intrinsically empty and void.
some interesting ways, this shift from the real egg to the plastic egg
parallels the ways in which we have traded in the abundant life of resurrection
for a cheap imitation offered to us by the culture around us.
about this for a moment. People are longing for life. People are longing for
truth. People are longing for meaning, and purpose, and passion in their lives.
And yet, much of what we are offered by our culture is simply a cheap imitation
an imitation that we ultimately discover is empty and void.
for example, reality TV. Now, ironically, much of reality TV is about as
disconnected from reality as you can get. Consequently, what is communicated is
not reality, but an artificial image, an imitation of reality. These
various imitations of reality convey a specific message. The message that is
communicated is that the quality of our lives is determined by the way we look,
the clothes that we wear, the kind of car that we drive. We
are given the message that the value of our lives is determined by how
productive we are, how talente we are, or how much money we have in the bank.
other words, reality TV gives us a defined image of what life is supposed to
be. And
this image is reinforced by the 24 hour news cycle, advertising, and even
social media. And when we fall short of this image, we often succumb to
patterns of addiction that only bring about further brokenness and alienation
in our lives. And we discover deep within ourselves that we settle for a cheap
imitation of life that is empty and void.
we have to ask ourselves the question, “Why do we settle for the imitation?” Ultimately,
we have to ask ourselves the question, “Why do we settle for that which is
empty and void?” Ultimately, we have to face the same question that the angels
asked the women at the tomb, “Why do you
look for the living among the dead?”
the women arrived at the tomb on that first Easter morning, they came fully
expecting to find the corpse of Jesus. They came fully expecting to use the
spices that they had brought to anoint the body of Jesus. They came to the tomb
fully expecting to encounter death itself.
they discovered was not death, but life.
discovered not despair, but hope.
discovered not weakness, but power.
the life they discovered was not a cheap imitation. It was not empty or void. The
life they discovered was abundant life, resurrection life. The life they
discovered was real life. And
so the angel says to the women. “Why do you look for the living among the dead?
He is not here. He is risen!”
you and I spend a lot of time and energy and money looking for life where there is no
life. We spend a lot of time and energy and money chasing after the imitation that is
ultimately found to empty and void.
this morning we have come to encounter a new reality, a new creation, a new and
abundant life. Just as the women on that first Easter morning left the empty
tomb transformed, and renewed, and set that same way the power of the
resurrection is present here this morning to transfrom us, renew us, and set us
free. The power of the resurrection is present here this morning to bring new
so this morning…We gather to celebrate that Jesus is alive! We gather to
celebrate that the grave has been conquered! We gather to celebrate the gift of
life that truly is life! But
in the midst of that celebration, we must be willing to let go of that which is
not life. We
must be willing to let go of the imitation of life that is empty and void, in
order to receive the gift of abundant life offered to us through the
resurrection of Jesus. Alleluia! Christ is Risen!
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